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Harvest, baking and cooking activities.
Gardening - replenishing outdoor pots and growing cress indoors.

Monday afternoon Transition Group at Preschool. 

Winter walks and trip to the Park.

Visit to the Pumpkin Patch.
Halloween party.

Trips in to Easingwold on the bus.
Christmas Jingle- this is a lovely start to Christmas and an essential fundraiser for Preschool.
Trip to Sutton on the Forest Primary School to watch their Christmas Play.
Preschool Children's Christmas party (preschool children only).

Visit from Mother's Union to make the Advent wreath for the Church and walking the wreath to the Church to put it in place.
Visit the church to set up the nativity scene and linking up with our Mothers Union friends.




Stories. This half term we shall immerse ourselves in stories.Together we will explore different ways to express or represent a story. We will also explore the lovely text, language and illustrations found in books, inspiring and encouraging them to be treasured.(World book day 1st Thursday in March every year).

Music & Singing encouraging a fresh enthusiasm for singing.

Burns Night Learning about Scottish culture

Chinese New Year. We will enjoy the story and animals associated with this colourful theme.

‘Mini Beasts’ focus on our outdoors activities, showing children how to explore and research information about these fascinating little creatures.

Askham Bryan Wildlife Park following the interests of the children with a visit to see the animals.

Valentine & New Year, Shrove Tuesday and Mothers Day activities in sessions.
Spring walks and gardening in our outside area. 

Trips to the Park.
Easter Party & Egg hunt



Father's Day activities.

Craft activities for the Huby & Sutton Show.

Gardening in our outdoor area and growing seeds.

Transition Days for children starting school this September.
Annual trip to Monk Park Farm.
Sports activity morning.

Visits from Teachers to meet those who are starting school in the September.
End of term party .
End of term Toddlers Friday.

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